Expats living in Bulgaria

Конкретни въпроси и проблеми от житието-битието в провинцията.
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Мнение от Mark »

peter_pan написа:... въпроса е как ни виждат нас и то тук?
Интересно ми е дали някой от пишещите в "посочените" форуми става за нещо в собствената си "развита" страна?

Лично съм се убедил че и в и извън България, когато си способен - постигаш всичко, разликата е в цената на успеха.

Вероятно 90% от тези образи са неуспели или незадоволени индивиди. Само не мога да ги разбера защо са се насочили към тази дестинация ? ...

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Регистриран на: Вто Яну 13, 2004 3:36 pm
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Мнение от Linko »

Много голям хаос е в душата ти, peter-pan. Сам не знаеш какво искаш и за какво се бориш. Много хора ти го казаха вече, но ти никого не чуваш. А на всичкото отгоре заяваваш:
Всеки сам си носи кръста навсякъде - и какво следва от това -...мнението на другите не струва след като не е моето и след като не се отнася пряко до мен?

Демек, казваш, че трябва да се вслушваме в мнението на другите, макар и да не ни касае пряко. Но каквото и да ти говорят другите, ти ги обвиняваш в неинформираност, в самозаблуда, пристрастност, черногледство и какво ли още не, но не приемаш нищо от казаното от тях. Само ти си прав, само ти си видял и виждаш нещата такива каквито са.

Каза ти се нееднократно - живей си живота човече и остави другите да си живеят своя. Разбрахме разочарованието ти, разбрахме мъката ти, разбрахме яда ти. Какво искаш повече? От сега нататък и до края на живота си апостол на просвещението относно "заблудата Канада" ли ще бъдеш? Неуморим и непримирим стожер на изтичането на мозъци, свежа кръв или заблудени овчици към Канада ли ще си, какво? Не се разбира. И това че не се разбира, те прави досаден и смешен в очите на повечето от нас. Защото не изключвам и възможността да има и такива, които да са с твоя светоглед и да те слушат в захлас.
Il vaut mieux vivre avec des remords qu'avec des regrets!!
Мнения: 883
Регистриран на: Нед Сеп 11, 2005 3:45 am
Местоположение: България/ Европа
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Мнение от peter_pan »

Много голям хаос е в душата ти, peter-pan. Сам не знаеш какво искаш и за какво се бориш. Много хора ти го казаха вече, но ти никого не чуваш.
Нямам никаква идея какво имаш предвид; аз си казвам мнението по различни въпроси тук както и всички други; не виждам защо трябва да рекламирам Ка след като никой не ми плаща за това, нито пък да рекламирам БГ защото и за това не ми плащат; темата за и против Ка ми е напълно скучна принципно защото тя ужасно се изтърка.
точно така мисля по въпроса:)
Мнения: 883
Регистриран на: Нед Сеп 11, 2005 3:45 am
Местоположение: България/ Европа
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Мнение от peter_pan »

Интересно ми е дали някой от пишещите в "посочените" форуми става за нещо в собствената си "развита" страна?

Лично съм се убедил че и в и извън България, когато си способен - постигаш всичко, разликата е в цената на успеха.

Вероятно 90% от тези образи са неуспели или незадоволени индивиди. Само не мога да ги разбера защо са се насочили към тази дестинация ?
Причини да се насочат насам много - ето някои от тях:
- чиста и разнообразна природа - високи планини и море в което може да се плува
- все още сравнително ниски цени на повечето стоки
- повечето мъже и жени са хетеросексуални и се държат като такива - ако някой не се е оженил, тук има може би повече шансове отколкото в неговата страна
- липса на такива глупости като sexual harassment, което да пречи на общуването между половете
- българите не са расисти спрямо белите чужденци и не ги дискриминират
- цените на имотите на някои места остават сравнително ниски и предвид гореизброените, е разумно да се купи имот, дори и на село някъде
-БГ е в ЕС, което значи че хората от ЕС могат да идват тук и да стоят колкото си искат, както и да купуват имоти - няма административни пречки за това
причини да не се идва тук :
- висока корупция - правенето на бизнес е свързано с доста рекет от всякакви институции
Причините да се идва са доста повече засега от тези да не се идва;
разгледайте форумите, които съм пуснал - ще видите причините им да идват тук.
точно така мисля по въпроса:)
Мнения: 883
Регистриран на: Нед Сеп 11, 2005 3:45 am
Местоположение: България/ Европа
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Мнение от peter_pan »

Ето още малко материал, който говори за това къде се различаваме ние в сравнение с хората от запада

Just one more observation to make on Bulgarian women and how different Bulgaria can be to the Western PArt of Europe. When I mentioned to differing Bulgarians that I was getting married...they all asked me one thing 'Is she a good housekeeper'?
This would shock the sensibilities of most Westerners, the question would be labeled 'sexist' or 'demeaning' I'd just like to point out that the people who asked me this question were all Bulgarian women.Two of them were young career women one was a middle aged academic. These weren't 'silly village' girls.
I found their question to be quite charming...and in all honesty I don't care if she's a good housekeeper or not, if I want a housekeeper I'll hire one, not marry one. {Unless she's VERY pretty and yes that IS a sexist remark, guilty!}

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Sep 19, 2006
Posts: 133

PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 1:35 pm
Post subject: Macho, Macho Reply with quote
Ok this is an observation about Bulgarian men I guess...

Recently I was helping out around the house, unusual, but it does happen sometimes.

I was hanging out some washing, when a well muscled, tanned workman {barstard} shouted out to me 'Hey haven't you got a woman to do that for you?'

I SHOULD have replied 'Yes but she is too tired from all our lovemaking' instead I mumbled 'We do things differently in my country'

I then tried to save face by toddling off and wielding my new chain saw, as a face saving effort I don't think it quite worked {took me 20 mins to start the thing up!}

Is this a common attitude amongst Bulgarian men??
точно така мисля по въпроса:)
Мнения: 883
Регистриран на: Нед Сеп 11, 2005 3:45 am
Местоположение: България/ Европа
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Мнение от peter_pan »

ето още малко материал:

Hi Chippy,

From my experience I wouldn't equate such behavior to Bulgarian women only. I have seen behavior like this in a number of different countries and from both sexes.
(and everyone always has a but)
There does seem to a propensity for the women I have met here to be rather ... impulsive(?). This really is a better conversation in person although ...
Firstly, I have posted a theory here elsewhere about the tribal/foreign DNA attractions. It could hold true here because there are other species whose females settle for a good provider but collect DNA from other more "dangerous" examples of the male of their species. I do see parallels in our species. More so here than anywhere else I have been been.
Another thing I have noticed about the women I have met in BG is they are rather good at explaining their very bad behaviour to themselves regardless of the super-human leaps of logic it may take. This will come as a shock to a lot of men from other countries.
Don't get me wrong, I love all women and Bulgarian women even more so. I have been given the choice to relocate to other countries a couple of times and the deciding factor has always come down to my love of Bulgarian women but I guess the most politically correct thing to say about a foreigner's relationship with a Bulgarian woman is the Dantesque-lower-levels-of-hell lows are more than compensated by the Oxygen-depriving-upper-atmospheric highs that I have experienced.
You mentioned you were a romantic in your write up. I believe romance has very little chance against this passion and you might be out of your element with Bulgarian women if you were to rely on romance alone. Oddly enough the more I was the "dangerous" example of our species, the more attractive I was; albeit temporarily. The trick is to be the safe provider and the bad-boy at the same time. I would be sitting on a yacht off the Mauritian coast right now if I could figure out how to do that.
I don't know if this helps. I will be willing to bet that she will be calling you again. You have a choice to either to tell her to get stuffed or to enjoy the ride (no pun intended) while she is crazy about you. If you do decide to get involved then realise that you will have to deal with her jealousy and that she will do things you will be jealous of. Oh, and find out her name day and mark it on your calendar; trust me on that one.
One more thing: little gestures of affection; different gestures (not the same flowers or cooking her brilliant meals every day), will go a long way. That works with women every where but I found more so here.

I know this probably doesn't help but good luck,
точно така мисля по въпроса:)
Мнения: 883
Регистриран на: Нед Сеп 11, 2005 3:45 am
Местоположение: България/ Европа
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Мнение от peter_pan »

Във връзка със последните катастрофи в БГ където имаше убити ето какво мислят за нас и начина по който караме в БГ:

Foreigner on the fast lane to fear
09:00 Mon 23 Oct 2006 - Colin Munro

Allow me to tell you a little story. When I first settled in to my former village house about 15km from the heart of Veliko Turnovo, one of the joys of Bulgaria seemed to be the thrill of the open road. Let me explain. In Britain, if a car advertiser wants to persuade you that their model should be your car of choice, they often produce a TV commercial showing their car serenely driving along a deserted and invariably scenic road. The sun is shining, the driver looks relaxed and somewhere a bluebird is singing in a clean, pollution-free sky. The psychology at work here is simple to understand. In the gridlocked UK, it doesn’t matter what type of car you drive, your driving experience is usually the same, and the reality is that you find yourself stuck in slow moving (or in the case of the M25 motorway, frequently stationary) traffic. Just one of millions of motorists enduring the hell on earth that is the British traffic system.

Advertisers desperately try to re-ignite the idea of “the joy of motoring”. In the UK it will never happen.

For a while I thought I’d rediscovered that joy in Bulgaria. My journey from the house to Veliko Turnovo by car took about 15 minutes, on a largely deserted major road, meandering peacefully through some breathtaking scenery. Initially, the only thing to mar my joy were the ubiquitous police speed traps, dour-faced police over enthusiastically enforcing speed limits that I personally found to be ludicrously low. Sadly however, the more time I spend on Bulgarian roads, the more fearful I have become for my life.

No, it’s not the fear of disappearing down a pothole so deep that it would swallow my car whole. I normally spot those while they’re a distance away. The killer on Bulgarian roads goes by the name of Overtaking. I should have learnt of this killer much sooner… In my early days in Bulgaria, a Bulgarian friend of mine kindly agreed to lead me to Varna; I was to follow his car in my hire car. Nyama problemi (no problem), I thought... However, within 15 minutes of setting off, I was reduced to a quivering wreck of a man.

My friend seemed to have one simple philosophy of driving: if it’s a Lada, Trabant or truck, overtake it. It didn’t matter where or how you overtook it. Going up a hill, overtake, blind bend, overtake! I was forced to keep up with him; stupid macho pride would not let me wimp out and give up. But I confess that at some points I simply shut my eyes and held the accelerator to the floor!

I made it to Varna in one piece, God knows how. I was not only scared witless, I was perplexed. My friend was a sober, intelligent middle-aged businessman, not some boy racer, but on the journey he took risks that I personally considered absolutely suicidal.

It wasn’t till a long time later that I decided I’d discovered the reason for his behaviour.

Anyway, time moves on and soon I was running up a fair amount of mileage on Bulgarian roads and getting the chance to see other drivers in action. To date, personal accidents have been few and minor, a smashed wing mirror as I swerved to avoid a pothole and almost hit a car coming around a blind bend at a rate of knots, and a burst tyre when I failed to swerve to avoid a pothole. I also managed to get mugged by some people driving a horse and cart while I was driving a 1.8i Vectra, but that’s an (embarrassing) story for another day.

Gradually, I developed a theory as to why Bulgarians drove like they did. For those of you interested here it is:

Roads in Bulgaria are relatively empty, and I can only presume that, say even 10 short years ago, they were emptier still. This means that, statistically, if you overtook a Trabbie on a blind bend or hill, you were unlikely to meet oncoming traffic. Try that on a British road and statistically they’ll be scraping you off of what’s left of your windshield and pouring you into a coffin. So, thanks to empty Bulgarian roads, a certain driving style emerged. Unfortunately this style endures to this day, with Bulgarian drivers failing to take into account the rise in car ownership and the influx of hire-car driving tourists to this country.

Statistically the odds are changing; you’re far more likely to meet someone coming in the opposite direction nowadays than in yesteryear. This was graphically brought home to me by two separate incidents. One day recently, while driving into Veliko Turnovo, I passed not one, but two horrific car crashes. To put this into perspective, in all my life in the UK I’ve never once driven past the scene of an obviously fatal car crash. Sure, I’ve seen dented fenders, even caved-in bonnets, but I’ve never passed two cars that have lost almost all of their front halves. I saw this twice in the space of 10 minutes on the Stara Zagora road from Veliko Turnovo. So clearly the result of head-on collisions. It literally made me shudder and has made me fearful of taking to the roads again on the basis that, and this is important, no matter how safely I drive, it only takes one idiot who thinks that statistically he’s unlikely to meet me coming in the opposite direction as he overtakes a trabbie on a blind bend, for me to end up as road kill.

The second incident happened in the same week as the two car crashes I witnessed. The 26-year-old son of a very dear and close friend of mine was travelling in a friend’s car when a truck driving on the wrong side of the road (presumably impatiently overtaking a Trabant) was in a head-on collision with my friend’s son’s car.
Miraculously he survived the crash, albeit with a broken leg, broken arm and multiple other injuries. His name is Ivo, and his mother, when she learnt that I planned to write this article, asked me to point out the following:

Those selfish/stupid/incompetent (delete where applicable) drivers who are still relying on statistics should stop and consider the full implications of their actions. Not only was her son almost killed, the results of his injuries affected his whole family. His mother had to be his caregiver, bathing him, feeding him, tending to his pain. Her health suffered as she spent many sleepless nights wondering “What if”. What if he’d died, what if he’d been paralysed for life, what if the offending driver had had a little more patience and waited till he’d had a clear opportunity to overtake.

His poor mother was almost as much a victim of this accident as Ivo himself was.

Something must be done to end this madness. I’m not spouting empty rhetoric for the sake of dramatic effect. If Bulgarians’ attitudes to driving are not changed, the death toll will mount, no doubt about it.

Bulgarian roads are set to get ever busier. The cards are stacked against those overtaking without first checking that their road is clear. I won’t sit here and pontificate; I’m asking for action.

So, what can be done?

For starters, the EU will shortly be pumping billions of leva into the country. Can we please ask that a fair portion of this be spent on road safety (killing two birds with one stone, less road accidents equals less demand on the health services). Wider roads, passing lanes, safety barriers at overtaking hotspots. These are basics. There is always education – I believe the Government has already started a road safety campaign – but to refer back to my friend who led me on that hair-raising ride to Varna, he was not a stupid or reckless man, this was simply the way he was used to driving. He and people like him have got to be re-educated. The old ways of driving in Bulgaria are obsolete.

Another positive move can be made on the issuing of licences. I’m led to believe that a driving licence can be bought off of corrupt examiners. These examiners are lining their pockets while putting potential killers on the road. Any anti-corruption campaign in Bulgaria must take a wide-reaching stance.

Another potential aid to safety is the introduction of speed limiters on cars. It’s an idea that has been toyed with in the UK (bizarrely, as the average speed of traffic in Britain is probably around 20mph on most roads). Perhaps Bulgaria could show innovation to the rest of Europe by being the first country to introduce speed limiters.

Whatever it takes, it is clear that something dramatic has to be done.

I have a request to make of you, dear reader: do not read this article, nod sagely and then forget about it. The Sofia Echo is read by movers and shakers, politicians, foreign embassies. If any of you are reading this and you can in anyway influence road safety in Bulgaria, I urge you to take action now, do something, because chances are, if you ever get into a car in Bulgaria, statistically you could end up as road kill.
точно така мисля по въпроса:)
Мнения: 883
Регистриран на: Нед Сеп 11, 2005 3:45 am
Местоположение: България/ Европа
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Мнение от peter_pan »

Какво мислите за тази дискусия?
http://www.expatinbulgaria.com/forum/vi ... .php?t=158
точно така мисля по въпроса:)
Мнения: 883
Регистриран на: Нед Сеп 11, 2005 3:45 am
Местоположение: България/ Европа
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Мнение от peter_pan »

точно така мисля по въпроса:)
Мнения: 498
Регистриран на: Вто Апр 10, 2007 11:04 am
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Мнение от Amental »

е това за бозата можеш ли да ми обясниш за какво ми го постваш?
Щото аз лично си загубих времето....

Вземи си намери едно момиче да ти даде малко вкус на живота човече.
Само претоварваш в борби с вятърни мелници в интернет.Няма смисъл....Ето единия от линковете ти е към тема за това колко били хубави БГ жените.Действай там и си свиркай.
Само не прави за пореден път опити да ни превъзпитаваш ;)

Успех :)
Accuse - 10.04.08
Interview-16.06.08 ОК
Букурещ - 10.07.08
Баркодове - 04.08.08
Медицински - 21.08.08
OK - 18.09.08
Покани за виза - 20.10.08
06.11.08г. - ВИЗИ !!!Изображение
Мнения: 810
Регистриран на: Пон Сеп 20, 2004 11:04 am
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Мнение от ronni »

не мисля §е мястото в тоъи форум е да се копи пестват цели други такива всеки от нас може да си намери инфо извън форума при необходимост...

¨каква егоцентри§ност всяко второ менние да е твое
поне малка търпимост/толерантност към останалите прояви
"Chance favors the prepared mind" /"Le hasard ne favorise que des esprits préparés"
L. Pasteur, 1854
Мнения: 883
Регистриран на: Нед Сеп 11, 2005 3:45 am
Местоположение: България/ Европа
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Мнение от peter_pan »

е това за бозата можеш ли да ми обясниш за какво ми го постваш?
Щото аз лично си загубих времето....
това за бозата е да ви напомни за тази напитка там където я няма
точно така мисля по въпроса:)
Мнения: 883
Регистриран на: Нед Сеп 11, 2005 3:45 am
Местоположение: България/ Европа
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Мнение от peter_pan »

не мисля §е мястото в тоъи форум е да се копи пестват цели други такива всеки от нас може да си намери инфо извън форума при необходимост...
Ако искаш да четеш само това от което ти имаш необходимост, защо въобще влизаш във форуми? Там има вероятност да видиш и други мнения? Ползвай гугъл и избягвай форумите!
точно така мисля по въпроса:)
Мнения: 883
Регистриран на: Нед Сеп 11, 2005 3:45 am
Местоположение: България/ Европа
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Мнение от peter_pan »

5 неща които имигрантите в БГ харесват в БГ и 5 неща които не харесват (мисля, че темата може да се приложи и за Канада)
http://www.expatinbulgaria.com/forum/vi ... .php?t=428
точно така мисля по въпроса:)
Мнения: 7159
Регистриран на: Вто Юли 29, 2003 9:56 am
Местоположение: GMA

Мнение от krimon »

peter_pan написа:
е това за бозата можеш ли да ми обясниш за какво ми го постваш?
Щото аз лично си загубих времето....
това за бозата е да ви напомни за тази напитка там където я няма
никога не съм обичала боза и изобщо не ми липсва :wink: :D
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