za moite priateli - Canadski patrioti

Това е форум посветен на процедурата по имиграция в провинция Квебек - документи, интервюта, визи, пътуване.
Marquis de Suhindol
Мнения: 9069
Регистриран на: Пет Авг 29, 2003 8:40 am
Местоположение: j-cowboyland, Toronto
Обратна връзка:

za moite priateli - Canadski patrioti

Мнение от KolioBalkanski »

tova e snimka ot Canada
shte posledvat oshte
Помогнаха на бай Ганя да смъкне от плещите си агарянския ямурлук, наметна си той една белгийска мантия - и всички рекоха, че бай Ганьо е вече цял европеец.
Marquis de Suhindol
Мнения: 9069
Регистриран на: Пет Авг 29, 2003 8:40 am
Местоположение: j-cowboyland, Toronto
Обратна връзка:

vijte na kvo se kefiat canadcite

Мнение от KolioBalkanski »

Chinatown: In Praise of Disorder
My guests are from a typical small city, visiting Toronto during a sweltering summer. We do the normal tour: the Tower, Casa Loma and other obligatory "attractions". The ROM impresses them, and an evening play goes over well.

The weekend arrives. I want to plunge my visitors into real city life, so we go for a stroll. "My cousin so-and-so said she hated being downtown, especially Chinatown", one guests says.

Is it possible? What's not to love about Chinatown? When we get there, we can barely move on the sidewalks because hardcore capitalists selling onion bunches and rice cakes block the way, there's a million people in front of us and a different million behind. Mad cyclists careen past cars whose drivers obey no recognizable traffic laws. Belching delivery trucks back into traffic without warning. Meteor suicide freaks on rollerblades almost plough through us. We have to walk carefully, or else we crash into the woman ahead who suddenly stops or makes a 180-degree turn without warning.

Shouts announce specials on wriggling things with shells, furry fruit or oversize luggage. Pedestrians wear turbans, veils, T-shirts, fluorescent pants, noserings, and / or almost nothing. Every voice is in a different language. Parents cling to darting children. Mixed couples of every description don't garner a second glance.

When night approaches, the restaurants become even busier, which is hard to believe until we see it. Mountains of garbage crates tower high on the curb, filled with rotting vegetables and fish. In the moist night the stench sticks to our lungs, mingled with the backroom scents of hundreds of kitchens.

Chinatown is concentrated human contact. It's rude and direct. It doesn't try to hide behind blank faces. It never apologizes or pretends, unlike the dying Anglo city. Chinatown is the exact opposite of traditional Toronto. That's why it's wonderful.

It doesn't matter to me that most Chinese-Torontonians don't live downtown, or that Chinatown embarrasses a few suburban Chinese professionals. It doesn't even matter that some shop owners don't have English signs. Chinatown belongs to everyone. But my guests don't like it. One quips, "This would be great if I could read the specials."

We slip down a colourful sidestreet to Kensington's maze of funky clothing, tiny restaurants, fruit markets, bakeries, cafes, cheese shops and second-hand stores. No overpriced, dry, limp supermarket produce here. But once again there's a dozen languages, and my guests feel out of place. "It's like this isn't really Toronto." I try in vain to convince them that this is, in fact, the real Toronto.

Like lazy cells in the city's bloodstream we hop on a streetcar to the CNE.

The Ex was once a bastion of old Toronto. It successfully adapted to the new multicultural reality, but it still cultivates its own brand of tackiness. My visitors and I watch horse shows. We stare in shock at grotesquely fat pigs. We check out the latest in computers and home appliances, browse through hundreds of craft booths, watch wild Philippine danceshows and sample Ontario corn and spicy foods. After dark, the flashing neon midway beckons us with its deafening noise. Rickety rides whirl thrill-seekers through the air to the cacophony of pounding beats while I desperately try to win a prize, any prize, from dodgy carnival games. My guests are appalled. "This is so messy," one complains, and the other comments, "It's just all so blue-collar."

We walk home under a canopy of lush foliage, my breezy Annex streets gracefully eroding from the patient assault of trees and fugitive ex-garden inmates. Unidentified wildlife scurries through bushes. Couples stroll and students stumble home from pubs. Seniors people-watch from porches. Somewhere close by a tribe of cats practices the fine art of orchestrated yowling.

"I don't know how you can live here!" one guest proclaims, suspicious of citizens who stay out at night. "It's so loud. The people are too different. It's after midnight and people aren't sleeping. It's too much. Someone has to put their foot down and stop all this, it ruins the city."

But downtown Toronto is a living, breathing thing, I protest.

Neighbourhoods are the city's vital organs. All the Chinas, Indias, Boytowns, little Italies, Annexes, and Jamaicas keep Toronto alive. They can't wait to get back to their sleepy little suburban town, they repeat, where they rarely see their neighbours, everyone looks the same, they all go to the same church and nobody's out after dark.

One friend commented once, "Toronto's a terrible place to visit, but a great place to live". She was a local tour guide, so she must know what she's talking about.

I can't understand. I love the city for the same reasons my guests hated it. After having lived here, I can't imagine living anywhere else.
Помогнаха на бай Ганя да смъкне от плещите си агарянския ямурлук, наметна си той една белгийска мантия - и всички рекоха, че бай Ганьо е вече цял европеец.
Marquis de Suhindol
Мнения: 9069
Регистриран на: Пет Авг 29, 2003 8:40 am
Местоположение: j-cowboyland, Toronto
Обратна връзка:

arabi v montreal

Мнение от KolioBalkanski »

arabite v montreal prez 2002:
Помогнаха на бай Ганя да смъкне от плещите си агарянския ямурлук, наметна си той една белгийска мантия - и всички рекоха, че бай Ганьо е вече цял европеец.
Marquis de Suhindol
Мнения: 9069
Регистриран на: Пет Авг 29, 2003 8:40 am
Местоположение: j-cowboyland, Toronto
Обратна връзка:

musulmanskata invasia v Canada

Мнение от KolioBalkanski »

Помогнаха на бай Ганя да смъкне от плещите си агарянския ямурлук, наметна си той една белгийска мантия - и всички рекоха, че бай Ганьо е вече цял европеец.
Marquis de Suhindol
Мнения: 9069
Регистриран на: Пет Авг 29, 2003 8:40 am
Местоположение: j-cowboyland, Toronto
Обратна връзка:


Мнение от KolioBalkanski »

az jiveeh na 20 metra ot edna ot teroristicheskite barlogi v toronto, kogato gi reportuvah predi Sept 11, policaite mi kazaha che tuk v Canada triabvalo da se naucha da sam toleranten. E taia tolerantnost ni struva 1600 choveshki jivota. ... o-sun.html
Suspect lived in Toronto

By TOM GODFREY-- Toronto Sun

A former Toronto resident arrested by the FBI in connection with terrorist attacks in the U.S. had lived in Canada for six years on government assistance, investigators say.

In Chicago, the FBI said their suspect had ties to a known associate of Osama bin Laden, Raed Hijazi, now jailed in Jordan on charges that he planned to blow up a hotel filled with Americans and Israelis on New Year's Day 2000.

At The Imperial apartment building on Jamieson Ave., the superintendent and tenants say they're shocked that Nabil Al-Marabh, 35, was a neighbour until about six weeks ago.

The refugee claimant, who was wanted by the RCMP, is believed to be the man arrested Wednesday by the FBI, outside a Chicago convenience store where he worked as a clerk.

RCMP Const. Howard Adams said the FBI is sending Al-Marabh's fingerprints to the Mounties to run through their national database to obtain positive identification.

Al-Marabh was on a list of 200 suspects sought by the FBI in connection with last week's terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C.

"I still can't believe it," building superintendent Donna Dunphy said after seeing a picture of the Chicago suspect yesterday. "There is no doubt in my mind he lived here. I saw him come and go from this building many times."

Dunphy, 55, said Al-Marabh was living with an uncle, an aunt and their three children in a two-bedroom, $700-a-month apartment on the fifth-floor of the Parkdale building.

His uncle is manager of a Best Copy store in downtown Toronto and also worked at a Toronto Islamic school. No one was at their apartment yesterday.

Dunphy said the uncle had also put up several relatives whom he said were pilots. "He said one relative knew all about planes and was a pilot. They were interested in the air show."

Tenant Gervais Lambert, who lived down the hall from Al-Marabh's uncle, said the family kept to themselves. "They were quiet and minded their own business," Lambert said. "There was nothing about them that was suspicious."

Canadian investigators said Al-Marabh had collected welfare since claiming refugee status in 1994. He was also eligible for OHIP, dental care and other benefits.

Investigators said Al-Marabh lived in several places in the Toronto area after his arrival in Canada and they weren't sure in which jurisdiction he was registered for welfare payments.

Al-Marabh came to the attention of police last June, when he was arrested for allegedly trying to enter the U.S. with a fake passport. He failed to attend a Welland court last Thursday and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

FBI agents, who arrested Al-Marabh in Chicago on Wednesday, had been looking for him since failing to find him Monday at a Detroit residence where he had lived.

Al-Marabh had an Ontario driver's licence when he applied for a duplicate licence in the state, investigators said.

State records show Al-Marabh had worked for Boston Cab Co., with Hijazi, the known associate of bin Laden.

On his application for a Boston cab licence, Hijazi listed Al-Marabh as his emergency contact.

Jordanian officials say Hijazi has confessed that he planned terrorist attacks and received bomb-making training in Afghan guerrilla camps run by bin Laden.

In December, Al-Marabh pleaded guilty to a May 2000 charges of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon -- a knife -- in Boston. He stabbed his roommate in the knee.

He received a suspended sentence of six months but when he failed to comply with the terms of his probation, a warrant was issued for his arrest last March 15.

At Al-Marabh's former residence in Detroit on Monday, federal agents found a cache of documents and arrested Karim Koubriti, 23, Ahmed Hannan, 33, and Farouk Ali-Haimoud, 21, on charges of having false immigration papers. The men were identified as resident aliens from Morocco and Algeria.

The FBI did not say where Al-Marabh comes from. His former landlord in the Boston area, Marian Sklodowski, said Al-Marabh told him he was Palestinian.

Agents also found a planner with handwriting in Arabic, according to court papers. The planner included information about an American base in Turkey, the "American foreign minister" and Alia Airport in Jordan, the FBI said.

Hannan and Koubriti worked briefly as dishwashers for an airline catering company, LSG Sky Chefs, near the Detroit airport between May and June, the company said.

All four men hold chauffeur's licences in Michigan, state records show. Al-Marabh may have been issued a licence in Florida, where several of the hijackers are believed to have lived before last week's terrorist attacks.

In Ottawa, Opposition MPs demanded to know "who's in charge" of national security after Al-Marabh's arrest.

Solicitor General Lawrence MacAulay drew sighs of disbelief from opposition benches for maintaining no direct link had yet been established between Canada and the terrorist attacks. He would only confirm an "individual was arrested by U.S. authorities who was in Canada for a period of time."

His response enraged Canadian Alliance Leader Stockwell Day and other MPs who pressed him to tell Canadians why Al-Marabh was allowed to roam freely in Canada.

"Who is in charge of security over there," Day snapped at one point during an exchange with MacAulay.

Prime Minister Jean Chretien was not in the Commons
Помогнаха на бай Ганя да смъкне от плещите си агарянския ямурлук, наметна си той една белгийска мантия - и всички рекоха, че бай Ганьо е вече цял европеец.
Marquis de Suhindol
Мнения: 9069
Регистриран на: Пет Авг 29, 2003 8:40 am
Местоположение: j-cowboyland, Toronto
Обратна връзка:

Мнение от KolioBalkanski »

razgledaite snimchicite na tazi stranica: ... rvice.html
Помогнаха на бай Ганя да смъкне от плещите си агарянския ямурлук, наметна си той една белгийска мантия - и всички рекоха, че бай Ганьо е вече цял европеец.
Мнения: 130
Регистриран на: Вто Юли 29, 2003 4:24 pm
Местоположение: Montreal-не за дълго
Обратна връзка:

Мнение от vladi64 »

Kole,kak moje da puska6 takiva pro4ustveni snimki? :cry: :cry: Napravo se prosulzih ot snimkata za vru4vaneto na Citizenship act :cry: :cry: Kolko e hubavo v Canada i kolko sa mili na6ite sunarodnizi :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Would you like to see Britania Rule again,my friend?
Мнения: 1836
Регистриран на: Съб Юли 26, 2003 2:36 pm
Местоположение: Мадрид

Мнение от Canuck »

Za moite priyateli- bugarskite patrioti:



bg citizens by birth

Gledki i prelesti ot kv. Stlipinovo, Plovdiv

Enjoy! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Per aspera ad astra!
Горд канадски гражданин в Мадрид :)
Marquis de Suhindol
Мнения: 9069
Регистриран на: Пет Авг 29, 2003 8:40 am
Местоположение: j-cowboyland, Toronto
Обратна връзка:

Мнение от KolioBalkanski »

ama pone v BG si znaiat koi kade mu e mestoto a?
a v toronto skoro CN tower i Sky Dome shte stanat complect djamia s minare
Помогнаха на бай Ганя да смъкне от плещите си агарянския ямурлук, наметна си той една белгийска мантия - и всички рекоха, че бай Ганьо е вече цял европеец.
Мнения: 4013
Регистриран на: Съб Юли 26, 2003 11:30 pm

Мнение от Joy »

Всякакви ги има и тук и там.
Нито една снимка не може да е доказателство за нещо,да не говорим,че патриотизма тук просто съвсем не на място го набърквате...Мъжа ми наскоро ми разправяше,че по улиците тук само луди се разхождали...Наложи се да му припомня,че подобни физиономии е наблюдавал навсякъде,където е бил...
Хайдутин на годината
Хайдутин на годината
Мнения: 4829
Регистриран на: Нед Юли 27, 2003 4:52 pm
Местоположение: Montreal, QC

Мнение от IvHaydu »

И сега какво?
Да не ходим в Канада, а?
Щото има друговерци?
Мдааа...Ами тогава къде да отидем???
Някъде, където няма такива...
Къде ли е това?
Абе, то и аз не си падам много по араби и т.н., ама чак пък толкова...
Ей, я се стегнете малко, обергрупенфюрер!
Репутацията е онова, което хората знаят за теб. Честта е онова, което сам знаеш за себе си. Пази честта си. И майната и на репутацията...
По-добре временни неуспехи, отколкото временни успехи!
Marquis de Suhindol
Мнения: 9069
Регистриран на: Пет Авг 29, 2003 8:40 am
Местоположение: j-cowboyland, Toronto
Обратна връзка:

Мнение от KolioBalkanski »

IvHaydu написа:И сега какво?
Да не ходим в Канада, а?
Щото има друговерци?
Мдааа...Ами тогава къде да отидем???
Някъде, където няма такива...
Къде ли е това?
Абе, то и аз не си падам много по араби и т.н., ама чак пък толкова...
Ей, я се стегнете малко, обергрупенфюрер!
ne be chovek,
no ne zabraviaite otkade ste doshli
i si imaite edno na um
az ne se bia po gardite che sam patriot
dovolen sam che kanada me priuti
ama facta che priutiava teroristi bez dokumenti i dava ubejishte na pederasi a ne puska moite priateli dori na gosti da mi doidat me drazni ujasno
ako se poiavish na letishteto bez dokument do skoro poluchavashe ubejishte a niakoi ot moite priateli s vizshe obrazovanie - mladi i dobri hora ne gi puskat dori na gosti, da ne govorim che edni veche 2 pati gi kasat za imigracia i te savsem se otkazaha
Помогнаха на бай Ганя да смъкне от плещите си агарянския ямурлук, наметна си той една белгийска мантия - и всички рекоха, че бай Ганьо е вече цял европеец.
Мнения: 1836
Регистриран на: Съб Юли 26, 2003 2:36 pm
Местоположение: Мадрид

Мнение от Canuck »

I shto si mislish, che edin obrazovan marokanec ili livanec e inferior spryamo koyto i da e bg imigrant, vklyuchitelno i tebe? :roll: I kakto v bg si znayat myastoto, taka i v parlamenta si imate i turcheta i romcheta, ako pod "znaene na myastoto" razbirash stroga diskriminaciya i segregaciya. Ako, tuk pochnat da diskriminirat imigranti, kakto sa praveli predi, bugarite sashto shte badat v tova chislo, povyarvay mi. Procheti nyakoya kniga za istoriya na kanadskata imigraciya da vidish za kakvo stava vapros. Kanadcite sa iskali britanski imigranti, posle skandinavcite sa gi predpochitali mnogo, a slavyanite sa gi deleli na kategorii, kato bulgarite, srbite i drugite yujni slavyani sa bili treta kategoriya dori sred slavyanite, shtoto sa bili po-murgavi. Procheti, ako iskash: Vasiliadis, Peter Who Are You?: Identity and Ethnicity Among the Toronto Macedonians. NY: AMS Press Inc., 1989 ili Woodsworth, James S. Strangers Within Our Gates, or, Coming Canadians. Toronto : F. C. Stephenson, 1909. I shte vidish kakvo imam predvid. Taka che ako se pochne diskriminaciya, ne se znae dali i tebe nyama da zasegne, osven ako ti ne iskash ya izvrshvash sobstvenorachno i stiga da ima koy da ti pozvoli :lol: Az sashto ne obicham myusyulmankite fundamentalisti i sam hristiyanin, zatova si hodya na katolicheska crkva, osven tova Ottawa si e mnogo chist grad, daje i novi imigranti nyama mnogo, taka che se chuvstvam super. Vse oshte hristiyanite sa mnozinstvo v Canada. A, na tebe ako ne ti haresva sistemata tuk, vinagi mojesh da se vrnesh v bg i da tormozish vashite malcinstva. I guess you'll have fun with that, right? :lol:
Inache teroristi i tolkova bejanci ne tryabva da puskat, nito da uslojnyavat procedurata tolkova za obrazovani hora, s tova sam saglasen, no ti po savsem drug nachin pocna temata. Az da ne sam Nostradamus da gadaya kakvo ima predvid Mr. Kolio Balkanski! :lol:
A, shto se otnasya do turisticheskite vizi, ami estestveno, che shte e strog rejima, inache Canada shte se napalni s nelegalni bulgari, kakto Evropa.
Per aspera ad astra!
Горд канадски гражданин в Мадрид :)
Хайдутин на годината
Хайдутин на годината
Мнения: 4829
Регистриран на: Нед Юли 27, 2003 4:52 pm
Местоположение: Montreal, QC

Мнение от IvHaydu »

KolioBalkanski написа:
IvHaydu написа:И сега какво?
Да не ходим в Канада, а?
Щото има друговерци?
Мдааа...Ами тогава къде да отидем???
Някъде, където няма такива...
Къде ли е това?
Абе, то и аз не си падам много по араби и т.н., ама чак пък толкова...
Ей, я се стегнете малко, обергрупенфюрер!
ne be chovek,
no ne zabraviaite otkade ste doshli
i si imaite edno na um
az ne se bia po gardite che sam patriot
dovolen sam che kanada me priuti
ama facta che priutiava teroristi bez dokumenti i dava ubejishte na pederasi a ne puska moite priateli dori na gosti da mi doidat me drazni ujasno
ako se poiavish na letishteto bez dokument do skoro poluchavashe ubejishte a niakoi ot moite priateli s vizshe obrazovanie - mladi i dobri hora ne gi puskat dori na gosti, da ne govorim che edni veche 2 pati gi kasat za imigracia i te savsem se otkazaha
Лошото е, че ние познаваме само най-гадните и най-шибаните 10% от арабите и подобните им...
Останалите са чудесни хора... Казват, че ако един арабин ти е приятел, той ти е приятел до гроб (без да те вкара той в него :D ). Докато за нашего брата това май не е съвсем така, а?
Не е ли нашата молитва такава : "Пази ме, Боже, от приятелите ми, от враговете аз и сам мога..."?
Надявам се в Канада да се отворим към новото и да забравим, да изхвърлим старите предразсъдаци...
Иначе никога няма да сме на мястото си в тази страна, даваща възможно най-добри позиции за старт на чужденците в нея...
Репутацията е онова, което хората знаят за теб. Честта е онова, което сам знаеш за себе си. Пази честта си. И майната и на репутацията...
По-добре временни неуспехи, отколкото временни успехи!

Мнение от Гост »

Хей, Канук, Разградската джамия е едно от най-хубавите неща запазено в България, не я използвай в такъв измислен "етноомразен" смисъл, защото тя е символ на точно обратното. Първо е била християнски храм, после джамия, но историята там е дълга. Всъщност е едно от най-добрите постижения в този жанр в Европа.